Mulberry Ice Cream

Mascarpone Cream-based ice cream with mulberry

ice cream mulberry Cream Plus Mascarpone

Herman Cooijmans

Restaurant Eden*


Mulberry ice cream

72 gr mulberry

2 gr mace

5 gr fenugreek

323 gr Debic cream plus mascarpone

465 gr water

37 dextrose

104 polydextrose

173.7 sucrose

5 gr maltodextrin

6 gr cortina

1.8 gr xanthan

75 gr mulberry


New group

Prepare the 72 grams of mulberry with the mace, fenugreek, dextrose, polydextrose, sucrose, maltodextrin and water.

Bring to a boil.

Add the mascarpone cream and let pasteurize at 82 degrees Celsius.

Cool back.

Add the cortina and xanthan and mix well with the hand blender.

Allow to infuse overnight.

Strain the mixture.

Cutter the 75 grams of mulberry medium coarse.

Add these to your ice cream mass.

Turn up the ice cream mass in your ice cream maker or sorbetiere.

Store your ice cream at -16 degrees Celsius.