Butter cream based on egg yolk - technique | Debic

Butter cream based on egg yolk

A technique for an egg yolk based butter cream

  • Saucepan
  • Themometer
  • Mixer
  • Sieve

Debic Crème butter



Egg yolk

Butter cream based on egg yolk step1

Bring the sugar and water to the boil to 115 ° C.

Butter cream based on egg yolk step2

Beat the egg yolk lightly.

Butter cream based on egg yolk step3

Cut the Debic Cream butter into cubes and add it. Beat until creamy and smooth.

Butter cream based on egg yolk step4

Let the syrup boil further to 120 ° C and then pour in a radial fashion over the beaten egg yolk.

Butter cream based on egg yolk step5

Mix well.

  • Always keep the Debic Crème butter refrigerated, at 4 - 6 ° C
  • Remove the Debic Crème butter from the refrigerator in good time, then you no longer have to heat it. This way you get a shorter whipping time and a higher return
  • The optimal processing temperature for turning a cream is 18 - 20 ° C