Chocolate Mousse - convenient 4 steps preparation - technique | Debic

Chocolate Mousse - convenient 4 steps preparation

Prepare Your Favorite Chocolate Mousse Recipes In The Blink Of An Eye

  • Mixer
Chocolate Mousse - convenient 4 steps preparation step1

Scale and pour desired amount into mixer. Be sure product is chilled between 2-7 degrees. Start whipping at medium speed and observe the texture of the pre-mix. For mousse, whip to soft peaks.

Chocolate Mousse - convenient 4 steps preparation step2

Be creative by mixing and adding different flavors into the mousse to complete your creation. Pipe the mousse onto your pastry or plate and decorate.

Chocolate Mousse - convenient 4 steps preparation step3

Once done, allow the chocolate mousse to rest in the refrigerator for min. 2 hours or until the mousse has stiffened to the desired texture.

Chocolate Mousse - convenient 4 steps preparation step4

Apply your finishing touches and serve!