Grapefruit Roulade

By Chef Loi Ming Ai
Grapefruit Roulade chef loi ming ai
Grapefruit Roulade
 author | Debic

Chef Loi Ming Ai



For 17 servings

Almond crust

128 g Debic Crème Butter

84 g icing sugar

211 g flour

34 g almond powder

1 g salt

42 g whole egg

Grapefruit Choux Biscuit

62 g milk (1)

62 g cooking oil

1 g salt

76 g flour

31 g milk (2)

78 g whole egg

124 g egg yolk

50 g grapefruit confit

187 g egg white

79 g sugar

Grapefruit Confit

160 g grapefruit peel

240 g sugar

400 g grapefruit juice

Vanilla Mousseline

450 g milk

50 g Debic Stand & Overrun

1 vanilla pod

45 g custard powder

70 g sugar

95 g egg yolk

40 g cocoa butter

250 g Debic Crème Butter

Orange Blossom Chantilly

100 g Debic Stand & Overrun

45 g inverted sugar

1/3 vanilla pod

22 g gelatin mass

440 g Debic Stand & Overrun

160 g mascarpone

5 g orange blossom water


Almond Crust

Mix Crème Butter with icing sugar, flour, almond powder, and salt in a mixing bowl with a paddle attachment until sandy texture.

Mix in the whole egg and store in the refrigerator.

Roll out to 2mm thickness and cut out desired shapes.

Bake at 150˚C for 13 minutes.

Grapefruit Choux Biscuit

Heat milk (1), cooking oil, and salt in a saucepan to 70˚C.

Add flour and stir continuously until a choux dough is formed.

Blend the dough with milk (2), whole egg, egg yolk, and grapefruit confit.

Whip sugar with egg white to medium peak French meringue.

Fold in the previous mass and spread over a Flexipan Mat (53 x 35 cm).

Bake at 155°C for 15 minutes.

Grapefruit Confit

Blanch grapefruit peel three times in fresh water.

Bring grapefruit juice and sugar to a boil.

Add blanched fruit peels and cook at low temperature for 45 minutes.

Once it reaches 55 Brix, blend into a smooth paste and store in the chiller.

Vanilla Mousseline

Prepare crème patisserie in a saucepan with milk, Stand & Overrun, vanilla pod, custard powder, sugar, and egg yolk.

Add in gelatin mass and cocoa butter.

Cool the mixture down to 40°C and emulsify with Crème Butter.

Preserve in the chiller.

Orange Blossom Chantilly

Heat up 100 g of Stand and Overrun with inverted sugar, vanilla bean, and gelatin mass together to 36°C.

Emulsify with remaining 440 g of Stand & Overrun, mascarpone, and orange blossom water.

Preserve in the chiller.


Cut the grapefruit choux biscuit into 28 x 52 cm pieces and spread 350 g of grapefruit confit on the surface.

Pipe 13 x 52 cm long strips of vanilla mousseline using a 1 cm diameter round nozzle tip.

Fold both edges of the biscuit to the center, overlapping the vanilla mousseline.

Keep in the freezer for 30 minutes then cut the biscuit into 3 cm thick pieces.

Prepare an almond crust as the base and pipe a line of grapefruit confit on top.

Place the grapefruit roulade on the base and garnish along the side.

Pipe orange blossom Chantilly on top of the roulade using a star nozzle.

Finish by decorating with red amaranth and grapefruit confit.