Sweet bites surprise your guests
Consumers have barely been able to eat out over the past year, and have instead become well acquainted with menus for takeaway and home delivery. It’s now up to us to draw them back to our bars and restaurants. With sweet bites, for example: tiny little desserts as a sign of ultimate hospitality.
Sweet bites are little sweets that a diner can swallow in one bite. It is the final little treat on the house, before the guest leaves. To emphasize that this is offered free of charge, present the sweet bites when you bring the bill.

Sweet bites replace the classic peppermint or traditional glass of limoncello: they are a surprising and thoughtful gesture at a time when the guest least expects it. A sweet bite is a token of your hospitality, and also offers your guests an impression of your assortment of desserts. Next time, perhaps they will order a dessert from your menu as well.
Price: maximum € 0.10
Sweet bits need not be expensive. The examples we present here cost a maximum of € 0.10 each. Moreover, sweet bites are perfectly suited for takeaways. They can easily be prepared ahead of time and packaged. Because you often have no direct contact with your guests in the case of takeaways, offering a sweet bite is a pleasant and surprising extra treat on the house.

The Debic dessert range is a solid base for your sweet bites. With Debic Crème Brûlée Bourbon, our chefs prepared a Vanilla Bourbon Baklava. Debic Panna Cotta was the base for the Panna Cotta Cheesecake. Nice mini-desserts for an agreeable way to finish a meal and experience optimal hospitality. A good reason to come back!