Mazovia wants high-quality patisserie accessible to everyone
You might think that sampling patisserie in a Hilton hotel is just for the rich and famous. But at Mazovia in Warsaw, ordinary locals and passers-by also stop by for a well-earned serving of deliciousness. And that is exactly what founders Michał Iwaniuk and Maciej Wisniewski had in mind: to make high-quality patisserie accessible to everyone in a beautiful setting.

It was six years ago that we first came here in search of Polish patisserie perfection. What has changed since then?
Michał: ‘The patisserie landscape in Poland has evolved tremendously, following more and more media coverage and examples from abroad. You can really see the diversity of ingredients in Poland, based on the four seasons, being reflected more and more in our patisserie.’ ‘Consumer attitudes have also changed. They want better products that look exactly like the ones they see abroad. And we can offer that now because it’s much easier to access materials. Companies like Debic, Callebaut, Cacao Barry and Sicoly have had a huge impact on the range and quality of our bakeries.’ ‘On the whole, I think patisserie across Europe is of a very high standard. I think that’s something we can be proud of.’

Michał: ‘That our bakery is for everyone. We want to show people that they can enjoy a good product, with high-quality ingredients from premium brands, at a reasonable price, in a beautiful setting.’
So was your location in the Hilton Hotel a deliberate choice?
Michał: ‘We were actually looking for a boutique patisserie in the city centre. It had to be a nice venue that reflected our vision, and where we could fulfil our role as ambassadors for premium brands. Sometimes the location puts people off. But when they come in, they are often surprised that the prices are reasonable.’

Michał: ‘It’s really simple: you need good ingredients to be able to make good products. If we want to position ourselves at a certain level in the industry, we can’t compromise on quality. We also don't want to cheat our customers: they pay a fair price and we offer a quality product.’
You are based in Warsaw and attract a very international clientele. Does that contribute to your success? Or is there also greater demand for international patisserie among Polish consumers?
Michał: ‘Of course, there are still Poles who are satisfied with mid-range products, but I have the feeling that higher quality is increasingly becoming the standard. After all, everyone wants to eat something exclusive at least once a month.’
What exactly do you offer in your range? Is it as heavy as traditional Polish cuisine?
Maciej: ‘We try to serve traditional Polish pastries with an international twist. Old flavors with a new look. We want to reach middle-aged customers as well as today’s Instagrammers and Tiktokkers. Millennials cook a lot less themselves and consume a lot more. They go to restaurants, eat in pastry shops, go on weekends away. They’re not as busy as they used to be (laughs). In the past, people lived to work; for young people today, it’s mainly about enjoying their time.’
Why should Poles go to Mazovia instead of their local bakery?
Michał: ‘Because we have the best millefeuille (laughs). Because of our complexity, we offer a completely different experience. Something unique.’
"We can do the same things, but we split the work according to what we like doing"

You have been working together for years, how is that working out?
Maciej: ‘My interest in patisserie and pastry only really kicked in when I met Michał. Before that, I was just a chef. It was only after I met him that I made the switch from catering and the kitchen to patisserie. We’ve known each other for 17 years now.’ ‘But we delayed opening this patisserie for quite a long time. Why? We didn’t quite have the confidence to take the leap. We always had the feeling that something was missing. Many patisseries in Poland open first and gain experience after (laughs). We wanted to do things differently: first develop our knowledge and gain experience, and then start a business. We thought we needed to develop further, even though we were already working at a very high level.'

"Michał: ‘We have very different characters, but we complement each other well. And the same goes for our style, actually. We can do the same things, but we split the work according to what we like doing. I work with chocolate more, and Maciej bakes. Croissants, puff pastry, yeast dough... you name it. We understand each other pretty well, and that’s why we get along great.’
Michał: ‘And now we have our own business together.’"

More and more patisseries are switching to new ingredients and flavors, such as vegan and lactose-free products. Is this also happening in Poland?
Maciej: ‘Not really. Very few people in Poland have a genuine lactose allergy, and vegan products don’t have a great reputation here either. We once introduced a vegan cookie, and labeled it as such, and it didn’t sell at all. People here just assume that if something’s vegan, it tastes disgusting. Which obviously isn’t true. We even introduced vegan recipes after that, but without explicitly mentioning they were vegan. And they did sell (laughs).’
Is there no difference in demand compared to 10 years ago?
Michał: ‘The only trend we have seen is the reduction of sugar. For example, we have sugar-free chocolate, and we are also cutting down on the amount of icing on biscuits. You can’t do away with sweetness completely, but people want a more balanced flavor.’
And colorings?
"Maciej: ‘Since the World Chocolate Masters, we’ve noticed that intense colors are taking a back seat. We also want to move towards natural colors for our monoportions and glazes in the future. That will be a bit more of a challenge for pralines and macarons.’
Michał: ‘Especially during the season, we try to make the most of natural colors, such as strawberry and raspberry.’"

Read our article about Cookies 'on the go', high quality bakery products packed in 'on the go' jars.
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