Celebrate summer with these sunshine-filled recipes
Whether the sun is shining or the rain is pouring, it is time to get the wine chilling and tuck into sunshine-filled recipes. After a pandemic, your guests are longing for spending time together, having new experiences and delicious food. The following recipes will help your guests celebrate summer for sure.

Think for instance of sous vide cooked plaice fillet with mussels and curry madras spices, for a delicious combination of flavours.

A dessert that is a perfect and interesting adding for your summer menu is our parfait of aloe vera with blue Curaçao and shortbread cookies, better known as: Sunset.

If you are looking for a quick but very tasty adding to the menu, take a look at this strawberry salad with mascarpone cream and Szechuan pepper, pink pepper and roses.

Last but not least, after doing the typical lockdown activities such as home repairing’s, it is refreshing for your guests to see this tasty ducktape instead of duct tape. A real showstopper.