Spray can techniques
With these decorative techniques, you can give your creations a contemporary look. By moving the tip of the spray can in different ways, you create a variety of new types of presentation.

Hold the can as straight as possible and press the handle, while at the same time moving the can in a flowing movement toward yourself across the pastry.

How to create even more amazing dishes with our spray can? Download the brochure full inspiration for hot and cold dishes.

Pipe small blobs over the waffles. You can introduce variations by alternating between making larger and smaller blobs.

This technique works if you have a creation with some height, such as this chocolate cake. Spray the whipped cream in a wave motion from top to bottom.

The classic blob on a dessert cup. Shake the spray can just once an hour, so that you get nice and smooth edges.Hold the can at a 90° anglefor maximum results.

The perfect decorative technique for whipped cream on pancakes.Hold the spray can as straight as possible,press the handle whilemaking a wave motion.

Check our article about Cream in all shapes and sizes
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