Butter roll

An easy recipe for butter roll by Debic.

Viennoiserie Croissant Butter
Butter roll - photo1 | Debic


Mother dough

4000 g Flour (11.50/680)

280 g Yeast

280 g Sugar

360 g Debic Dairy Butter Constan t

70 g Salt

120 g Powdered milk

1600 ml Milk

160 ml Water

7 Eggs

2000 g Debic Croissant Gold


Mother dough

Mix all the ingredients and knead briefly.

Leave in the refrigerator to rest for 4 hours.

Leave the Debic Croissant Gold to come to room temperature and incorporate into the mother dough.

Fold: 3 x 3.

For a classic butter roll, roll out the dough to 4 mm thick.

Weigh out 90 grams of dough for each butter roll.

Do not leave to rise for too long.

Bake the butter rolls at 230°C for 14 minutes with plenty of steam.