
 photo1 | Debic


For 3 servings

Pâte à cigarette

125 g egg whites

125 g icing sugar

125 g flour

125 g Debic Crème Butter

food colouring

coffee extract

Sponge cake

117 g egg yolks

59 g sugar (1)

59 g vegetable oil

78 g Debic Stand & Overrun

313 g egg whites

117 g sugar (2)

157 g flour

Dark chocolate Crémeux

76 g Debic Stand & Overrun

76 g milk

33 g egg yolks

25 g sugar

89 g Inaya dark chocolate, 65%

Whipped chocolate ganache with banana

153 g milk

23 g glucose syrup

23 g gelatine mass (1:5)

191 g Inaya dark chocolate, 65%

306 g Debic Stand & Overrun

77 g fresh, ripe banana

77 g MonChou®


Pâte à cigarette

Mix the egg white with the icing sugar and the sifted flour.

Gradually add to the Crème Butter and colour with the food colouring and coffee.

Spread artistically on a baking mat.


Sponge cake

Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until airy (1).

Add the oil and then the Stand & Overrun.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites and sugar (2) into meringue.

Mix and add the sifted flour.

Spread over the coloured pâte à cigarette.

Bake for 7 minutes on a 60 x 40 cm baking tray at 200°C.

Dark chocolate Crémeux

Heat the Stand & Overrun and milk.

Mix the egg yolks and the sugar.

Make a crème anglaise at 84°C.

Pour over the dark chocolate.

Mix with a hand mixer until obtaining a smooth texture.

Pour into a long tube of 60 cm and Ø 3 cm.


Whipped chocolate ganache with banana

Bring the milk and the glucose to the boil.

Add the gelatine mass and pour over the dark chocolate.

Mix with a whisk.

Add the liquid Stand & Overrun, the fresh banana and the MonChou®.

Mix thoroughly with a hand blender.

Place in the fridge overnight before whipping.


Spread a layer of the whipped ganache over the sponge cake with a scraper.

Place a 3 cm cylinder of frozen crémeux at the edge and roll up.

Place the rolls in baking tins and freeze for a while before cutting.

Cut into 18 cm pieces.