Crème Brûlée eggs

crème brûlée served in egg shells

Debic Easter Dessert
Crème Brûlée eggs - photo1 | Debic


For 10 servings

Crème brûlée mango

300 ml Debic Crème Brûlée

100 g mango puree

Crème brûlée naturel

Crème brûlée coconut

300 ml Debic Crème Brûlée

100 ml coconut cream


2 mango, fresh

10 apple blossom

300 g rhubarb

100 ml grenadine syrup

200 g strawberries

10 g mint, fresh

0.5 pineapple, fresh

1 cup of artisana cress


Crème Brûlée eggs

Heat the Debic Crème Brûlée to a boiling point and add the flavorings.

Wash the eggshells and dry.

Place them back on an egg tray and portion the different crème brûlée preparations into the egg shells.

Keep in the refrigerator.

Peel the rhubarb with a vegetable peeler and cut into brunoise.

Poach in the grenadine, cool and mix with the strawberry brunoise and finely chopped mint.

Cut the pineapple into brunoise and mix with the atsina cress.

Cut the mango into brunoise and mix with the apple blossom.


Using a round cutter, make three smalls towers with the fruit garnish on the plates.

Sprinkle the eggs with sugar and burn off with a gas burner.

Finishing touch

Finish the dish as shown in the photo or use your own creativity.