


For 4 servings

Croissant dough

367 g flour T55

7 g salt

46 g sugar

15 g fresh yeast

103 g water cold

139 g milk cold

139 g Debic Croissant Butter (1)

183 g Debic Croissant Butter (2)

Hazelnut whip ganache

1182 g Debic Stand & Overrun

69 g gelatine mass

415 g Zephyr 34%

334 g Frangelico alcohol

Hazelnut praliné

187 g sugar

1 g vanilla

312 g toasted hazelnuts with skin


60 g Frangelico whip ganache

3 g hazelnut praliné

25 g broken hazelnuts


Croissant dough

Knead all ingredients, except the Croissant Butter (2) for 8 minutes.

Place the dough in a small container and let rise for 1 hour at ambient temperature.

Allow to rest in the refrigerator for 1 night.

Stretch the dough in the dough sheeter, so the Croissant Butter sheet fits on the dough.

Fold the dough over the butter and close.

Give a single (1x3) and a double tour (1x4).

Store in the refrigerator overnight.

Laminate the dough to a thickness of 7mm and shape the croissants.

Place on trays to ferment 2 à 2,5 hours at 27°C.

Cut the croissant dough of 5 cm by 20 cm.

Fold and shape the strips in a cube baking tin.

Bake at 170°C during 20 minutes.

Hazelnut whip ganache

Boil 1/4 off the Stand & Overrun and dissolve the gelatin mass.

Make a ganache with the white chocolate.

Add the rest of the Stand & Overrun by using a hand blender and add the Frangelico.

Leave overnight and whip till the right consistency.

Hazelnut praliné

Caramelize the sugar and vanilla, then incorporate the hot toasted hazelnuts.

Spread the mixture onto baking paper to cool.

Remove the vanilla pod and blend everything until smooth.


Scrape the cream with a plastic scraper 14 and decorate like the photo with praliné, nuts and the skin of the nuts.