Leek à la crème

with crunchy cheesecake, mustard and dill

 photo1 | Debic


For 10 servings


3 leeks

200 ml melted butter

sea salt

Mustard seeds

100 g mustard seeds

100 ml sushi vinegar

100 ml mirin

100 ml dashi

Mustard anglaise

100 ml Debic Culinaire Original 20%

4 jaunes d’œufs

50 g mustard

10 g white wine vinegar

1 g sea salt

Crunchy cheesecake

160 g mature cheese

120 g ground almonds

40 g flour

250 g egg white

160 g jaunes d’œufs

Dill sauce

200 ml Debic Culinaire Original 20%

200 ml dashi

200 g black leek leaves

75 g dill

sea salt

Angel hair of leeks

50 g leek tops

sea salt


5 g sprigs of dill

50 g mature cheese



Cut the leeks into 10 equal pieces and save the green parts for the crispy angel hair and leek stock

Prick the pieces of leek with a meat fork in several places and brown the leeks with a cook’s blowtorch until they are fully cooked.

Remove the outer black leaves and use them for the stock by infusing them with the dashi under vacuum.

Use the inner part of the leeks for the dish. Store in the refrigerator until needed.

Mustard seeds

Gently cook the mustard seeds in the remaining ingredients and store in the refrigerator until needed.

Mustard anglaise

Mix all ingredients together and heat to 85°C.

Cool on ice-cold water and transfer to a siphon.

Crunchy cheesecake

Grate the mature cheese and mix with the ground almond and flour.

Add the egg whites and egg yolks and mix in a blender until smooth.

Leave the cheese mixture to rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Pass through a fine sieve, fill a siphon with the cheese mixture and aerate with 3 cartridges.

Pierce a hole in a coffee cup.

Half fill the cup with the cheese foam from the siphon.

Heat in the microwave at 700 watt for 30 to 40 seconds.

Cut into equal-sized cubes and leave to dry further in the food dehydrator.

Dill sauce

Bring the Debic Culinaire Original to the boil with the leek stock and reduce to half.

Add the dill and mix until smooth in the blender.

Season to taste with sea salt.

Angel hair of leeks

For the angel hair, cut the greens of the leeks into a wafer-thin julienne and blanch briefly.

Then dry in the food dehydrator and season with sea salt.

Season to taste with sea salt.


Heat the pieces of leek in the melted butter and season with sea salt

Arrange on the plates.

Place the crunchy cheesecake next to it with the mustard anglaise, pickled mustard seeds and grated mature cheese.

Finish the dish with the dill sauce, angel hair and dill.