Love at first

by Damien Pichon

Mothersday Cake Damien Pichon
Love at first


For 12 servings

Sweet almond pastry

500 g flour T 55

300 g Butter incorporation Debic

5 g fine salt

190 g icing sugar

65 g almond powder

110 g whole egg

Raspberry confit

165 g Raspberry

75 g caster sugar

4 g pectin NH

Exotic confit

100 g passion fruit purée

100 g mango cube

80 g glucose syrup

85 g caster sugar

8 g pectin NH

Vanilla Ganache

35 g gelatin mass

300 g Debic Stand and Overrun (1)

125 g white chocolate

300 g Debic Stand and Overrun (2)


Sweet almond pastry

Sand the flour, salt and butter with a mixer.

Add powdered sugar and almond powder and finish with eggs.

Set aside in the refrigerator in cling film.

Raspberry confit

Heat the raspberries with half of the caster sugar.

Add the sugar and the NH pectin previously mixed.

Bring to a boil and set aside.

Exotic confit

Heat the passion fruit puree with the glucose syrup.

Add the sugar and the NH pectin previously mixed, then the mango cubes.

Bring to a boil.

Vanilla Ganache

In a saucepan, boil the cream (1).

Pour over the white chocolate, mix and then pour the cream (2).

Mix and set aside in the refrigerator for 11 hours.


Roll out the almond pastry and cut out the details. Bake it on a Silpain.

Slowly whip the ganache to a nice smooth texture.