
 photo1 | Debic


Croissant dough

Knead all ingredients, except the Croissant Butter (2) for 8 minutes.

Place the dough in a small container and let rise for 1 hour at ambient temperature.

Allow to rest in the refrigerator for 1 night.

Stretch the dough in the dough sheeter, so the Croissant Butter sheet fits on the dough.

Fold the dough over the butter and close.

Give a single (1x3) and a double tour (1x4).

Store in the refrigerator overnight.

Laminate the dough to a thickness of 7mm and shape the croissants.

Place on trays to ferment 2 à 2,5 hours at 27°C.

Cut the croissant dough of 5 cm by 20 cm.

Fold and shape the strips in a cube baking tin.

Bake at 170°C during 20 minutes.

Matcha caramel

Caramelize the sugar.

When the caramel is golden brown, add the boiling Stand & Overrun, followed by the chocolate, butter, salt and matcha.

Blend with hand blender and store at room temperature.

Matcha whip ganache

Boil 1/4 of the Stand & Overrun.

Add the gelatin mass into the cream and mix with the chocolate by using a hand blender.

Add the rest of the cold Stand & Overrun and the matcha powder.

Mix and store in the refrigerator for 12 hours and whip it too desired consistency.


Use a piping nozzle size 14 to pipe the cream, then decorate it with ganache and matcha powder, following the style shown in the photo.