Pain Suisse

An inspiring recipe for Pain Suisse 

Maurice Petitejean Viennoiserie Vanilla
Pain Suisse
Maurice Petitejean

Maurice Petitejean

Le Petitjean


Croissant dough

Weigh out the water and milk together with the sugar and salt and put in a mixing bowl.

Stir loosely with a hand whisk.

Add the rest of the ingredients.

Mix with a dough hook for 8 minutes on speed 1, then 4 minutes on speed 2.

The gluten development should be visible, allowing you to stretch out a thin window pane that tears.

This is important, because we will develop more gluten during the turning process.

Let the dough rest for 30 minutes on the worktop, covered with plastic.

Then roll it out to the size of a (freezer) tray 60 x 40 cm.

Cover with plastic and put in the refrigerator until the next day.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 12 mm.

Place the slice of Croissant Butter in the middle of the dough, cut off the sides and place them on top of the butter so that everything is covered.

Roll the dough out again to 12 mm and fold into four.

Give the dough a quarter turn and roll out to a thickness of 14 mm.

Cut the sides straight again and fold the dough into three.

Roll out to a size of 60 x 30 cm and leave to rest in the freezer for an hour.

Roll out the croissant dough to a thickness of 12 mm and cut half of the rolled-out dough into 1 cm thick strips, enough to completely cover the other half of the base dough.

Give the strips a quarter turn so that the lamination layers are visible, then place them against each other on the croissant base dough.

Leave everything to rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Crème pâtissière

Bring the milk to the boil with 20% of the sugar and the salt.

Mix the corn flour and the remaining 80% of the sugar in a bowl.

Add the egg yolk and mix until homogeneous.

Add the vanilla extract to the egg mixture.

Temper the egg mixture with 30% of the hot milk.

Bring the remaining 70% of the hot milk back to the boil, add the heated egg mixture and beat immediately.

Remove from heat and add the Crème Butter.


Now roll out the croissant dough to a thickness of 3 mm.

Cut out pieces measuring 7 cm by 20 cm from the length of the layers.

Spread crème pâtissière in the middle of each piece, add chocolate drops and fold up.

Place the Pain Suisse on the baking tray so that the opening is facing downwards and you can see the layers.

Finishing touch

Finish with the glaze.

Let the dough rise for 2 hours at 27°C.

Then bake at 160°C for about 20 minutes.