Pumpkin in syrup with cream and Ouzo

Nixtamalized pumpkin in syrup with cream and Ouzo

100YEARS Ambassador Carito Lourenço
Pumpkin in syrup with cream and Ouzo - photo1 | Debic
Pumpkin in syrup with cream and Ouzo - photo2 | Debic

Carito Lourenço



For 10 servings

Nixtamalized pumpkin

400 g water

8.8 g calx

300 g white sugar

660 g water

750 g pumpkin

1.2 g ginger

Fermented pumpkin seeds

75 g pumpkin seeds (Hokkaido variety)

25 g honey

Hokkaido-Ouzo ice cream

210 g pumpkin puree

7.5 g Ouzo (aniseed liqueur)

75 g egg yolks

37 g sugar

150 g whole milk

40 g sugar


50 g Debic Stand & Overrun

50 g micro green shiso


Nixtamalized pumpkin

Add the calx to the cold water and not the other way around.

Cut the pumpkin into 1.2 cm cubes.

Place in the calx bath for 3 hours.

Stir every 10 minutes to prevent the solids from settling.

Rinse well under cold water and place in a wide pot.

Prepare the syrup using the water, sugar, and ginger.

Mix the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil.

Remove the ginger and set aside.

Add the syrup to the diced pumpkin and cook in a pot lined with parchment paper on low for four hours.

Carefully remove the cubes and place them in airtight glass jars. Strain the syrup into a clean pot.

Reduce the syrup to 105º C and pour into the jars until the pumpkin is completely covered.

Add the ginger previously set aside.

Close the lids of the glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

Fermented pumpkin seeds

Place the seeds in the OCOO pot and cover with the honey.

Run on the AGED EGG programme for 10 hours.

Remove the end product, cool and store vacuum-packed in a refrigerator.

If you do not have an OCOO* you can achieve a similar result on a stove or in a dehydrator at a controlled temperature of 50º C for approximately 36 hours, taking into account the fact that you must add water to cover the seeds because liquids will evaporate on the stove whereas they wouldn’t with an OCOO.

Hokkaido-Ouzo ice cream

Put all of the peeled pumpkin trimmings through the juice extractor.

Strain the juice you get and use it quickly to prevent it from oxidising.

Place the 40g of sugar in a saucepan and make a light caramel.

Deglaze the caramel with the milk until you get a toffee.

Whisk together the yolks and 37g of sugar.

Gradually add the (previously prepared) warm toffee* and mix everything together.

Bring to a boil (at 82°C) and make the crème anglaise in a pan.

It is important to check the temperature using a thermometer.

Mix the three ingredients and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours to mature.

Place the mixture into Pacojet containers and freeze.

Churn and freeze 4 times before use.


Whip the Debic Stand & Overrun until firm, without allowing it to separate.

Transfer to a piping bag and set aside.

Churn the ice cream in the Pacojet.

Place an ice cream base on the serving plate (freezing the plate beforehand will help stop the ice cream from melting).

Place the pumpkin cube in the centre of the plate.

Place the whipped cream on top of the syrup pumpkin cube and finish decorating using the fermented pumpkin seeds and green shiso sprouts, which will bring acidic nuances of aniseed to the dish to help counterbalance the sweetness of the pumpkin.