
Made with choux paste, butter craquelin and vanilla butter cream

Pastry Vanilla Cream
Religieuze - photo1 | Debic


Choux paste

Boil the milk , the salt, the sugar and the butter.

Take of the heat, stir in the flour and mix until a dough forms.

Place it back on the heat and cook until it forms a dough ball.

Bring over in a stir mixer and add the eggs one by one.

Mix until a smooth paste.

Pipe two sizes of choux on a baking tin , place on the butter craquelin and bake at 1770° C during 25-30 minutes.

Butter craquelin

Use all ingredients at ambient temperature and mix with the paddle of a stir mixer.

Spread the dough between two layers of plastic film and roll out on 2 mm.

Cut tout the needed circles and place on the choux paste.

Vanilla Butter cream

Heat the milk with the vanilla pod and half of the sugar.

Whip the rest of the sugar with the egg yolk and combine with the hot milk.

Realize an “anglaise’ at 84°C.

Cool down to 25°C.

Whip the butter at medium speed and stir in the “anglaise” until a smooth crème.


Leave the baked choux to cool down.

Fill them from below with the smooth butter cream.

Stick the choux together and finish with a piping bag.

Recipe tags Pastry Vanilla Cream