
With rose water and baked meringue chunks

Debic parfait Rose water
Rosette - photo1 | Debic


For 6 servings


1l Debic Parfait

150 g baked meringue chunks

200 g frozen raspberries

125 g lychees on syrup

25 g rose water



Crush the frozen raspberries, chop the lychees and mix together with the rose water.

Let drain.

Whip the Debic parfait and use the recuperated syrup to aromatize the Parfait.

Smear out the whipped parfait in heart moulds.

Keep 20% to close the moulds.

Divide the frozen raspberries and the well-drained lychees in the parfait, followed with the meringue chunks.

Close the moulds with the rest of the whipped parfait.


Finishing touch

Decorate with dried rose petals and drops of honey.