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For 3 servings

Sponge cake

325 g egg white

65 g grounded almonds

70 g yoghurt powder

15 g matcha powder

25 g flour

Breton sablé (1 kg)

237 g Debic Cake Butter

224 g sugar

60 g grounded almonds

112 g egg yolk

343 g flour

19 g baking powder

5 g salt


500 g Debic Butter Cake Gold

250 g icing sugar

150 g blond cassonade sugar

500 g eggs

300 g almond powder

150 g grounded pistachios

150 g Debic Stand & Overrun

Strawberry yuzu

350 g strawberry puree

50 g yuzu puree

50 g fresh strawberries

30 g icing sugar

25 g gelatin mass

400 g Debic Stand & Overrun

Lime mousse

250 g lime puree

1 lime, the zests

200 g Debic Cream Cheese

50 g icing sugar

30 g gelatin mass

550 g Debic Stand & Overrun


Sponge cake

Mix all ingredients in a Thermomix® or use a hand blender. Sieve and pour in a siphon. Close and add 3 gas capsules. Leave for 1 night in the refrigerator. Spray in paper cups for 2/3 th. Heat in a micro wave at 900 Watt during 40”. Cool the cups upside down. Store in the freezer.

Breton sablé (1 kg)

Whip the egg yolk and the sugar to a foamy mousse. Combine with the softened butter. Fold in the flour with the baking powder, previous sifted and the coarse salt. Cover with plastic wrap and store in a cool place.


Soften the butter with the icing sugar. Add the almond and pistachio powder, previous mixed with the cassonade sugar. Pour in the eggs. Finish by mixing in the flour. Add the cream. Keep refrigerated.

Strawberry yuzu

Crush the strawberries with the icing sugar, mix with the fruit purees. Melt the gelatin mass and combine. Fold in the semi whipped cream. Pour in the molds, for 1/3th and freeze. Use the remaining mousse in silicon bolls, freeze.

Lime mousse

Soften the cream cheese with the icing sugar and the lime zests. Melt the gelatin mass and to the previous mixture, followed by the lime puree. Fold in the semi whipped cream. Pour in the molds, on the frozen strawberry-yuzu mousse and freeze. Use the remaining mousse in silicon bolls, freeze.


Laminate the Breton sable and place on Silpain®. Soften the almond-pistachio and pipe a spiral in the middle of the sable. Stay 2 to 3 cm from the edge. Bake at 170°C during 20 à 24 minutes. Leave to cool. Glaze the frozen mousse with a neutral glaçage and unmold at once. Place on the sablé. Decorate with the frozen bolls of fruit mousse. Roll the strawberry bolls through strawberry powder and the lime bolls through pistachio powder. Use some pieces of sponge cake to finish.