Italian bowl

tiramisu dessert bowl

Dessert Italian Tiramisu
 photo1 | Debic


For 10 servings

Italian bowl

500 ml Debic Tiramisù

20 ladyfingers

100 ml espresso

100 ml marsala

100 ml sugar water 1:1


5 g cocoa powder

2 figs

20 g ground pistachio nuts

50 g almond biscuits

100 g preserved Amarena cherries

50 g lemon curd


Italian Bowl

For the syrup, mix the espresso with Marsala and sugar water and leave to cool.

Beat the Tiramisù in a planetary mixer until light and airy, then add half of the syrup.

Place the ladyfingers in the bowls and pour the remaining syrup over them, so the ladyfingers absorb it.

Pour the Tiramisù on top of the ladyfingers and leave to set in the refrigerator.

Finishing touch

Finish the bowls à la minute with the garnishes.

Recipe tags Dessert Italian Tiramisu