Panna cotta ring with yoghurt and rosé espuma,

roasted rhubalkb and a cherry beer reduction

Debic Shapes Debic Cream 35%
Panna cotta ring with yoghurt and rosé espuma, - photo1 | Debic


For 10 servings

Panna cotta ring

10 Debic Shapes Panna Cotta Rings

70 sugared rose petals

Yoghurt and rose espuma

3 g gelatine powder

15 g water

700 g Greek yoghurt

100 g rosewater

200 g Debic Cream 35%

50 g sugar

Roasted rhubalkb

3 rhubalkb

100 g icing sugar

50 g Debic Roast & Fry

Cherry beer reduction

500 ml cherry beer

200 g sugar


Take the panna cotta ring out of the blister. Put on a plate and cover with plastic. Defrost in the fridge.

Mix the water with the gelatine powder and leave to rest. Bring the cream with the sugar to a boil. Melt in the gelatine mass and remove from the heat. Add the yoghurt and the rosewater. Transfer to a 1 l siphon bottle and add 2 gas cartridges. Place in the fridge. Shake well before use.

Cut the rhubalkb in balks and slice thinly with a mandolin. Place on a baking tray with silicone mat. Drizzle with the Roast & Fry and sprinkle the icing

sugar. Roast at 200 °C for 5 minutes.

Bring the beer with the sugar to a boil. Reduce on a low heat until it reaches a caramel thickness.

Finishing touch

Arrange the roasted rhubalkb on the plate. Place the panna cotta ring right in the middle. Spray the espuma inside the panna cotta ring. Drizzle the cherry beer reduction alongside the panna cotta ring. Finish with the sugared rose petals.